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Therapeutic Massage


Therapeutic massage is a deep, yet gentle, technique that follows the body's tissues. It is deep tissue work, but it is not painful. By following the body and moving at a pace that encourages the body to welcome instead of resist the therapist the body falls into alignment naturally. Our muscles are like rubber bands, they can only stretch so far before they break. That is why when you are feeling muscle pain it is may be in the area that is overstretched and not necessarily in the area of tightness. That pain is the body's alarm system that that muscle is in danger. Muscles can only do one thing, they can only pull, they can never push. It is the combined action of several muscles pulling that create the effect of pushing. But, as muscles can only pull never push, each muscle has a partner that keeps the body in balance. Due to our day to day activities; driving, reading, computers, etc. rarely is our body in alignment, and a body out of alignment is a body under stress and often in pain. By bringing the body back into alignment it reduces stress and pain. That is what a therapeutic massage does. It is important to note though that massage should never hurt. If it hurts it is activating the stress response and that is the exact opposite of the desired outcome of a good therapeutic massage.


Watch Tom Myers (Presenter at the Fourth International Fascial Research Congress) discuss Why Massage Hurts, and why it shouldn't.

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