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Level 1 - $175

The level 1 Reiki class is the first step on the path toward a stress free life. Reiki works to relieve anxiety, reduce pain, and promote the body's natural ability to heal.  


In the level 1 Reiki class we will discuss and learn how to see and feel the life force energy that surrounds and flows through all living things.  Included in the class is a discussion of the history of Reiki, how it heals, and students receive their attunement which connects them to Divine love. 


"You will be opened to the flow of Reiki enabling you to channel its energy to others and yourself. You will be taught how to allow this divine gift to come from the light above, through your heart, and out your hands." - As I was taught by one of my Reiki Master Teachers, Colleen Benelli at Reiki Lifestyle

Reiki Classes:

Reiki is a simple, completely natural and safe healing modality that anyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Reiki is currently being used in over 800 major medical facilities nationwide.  A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and well-being.  Many have reported miraculous results.  


Reiki is easy to learn, and anyone can do it!


Watch Laurelle and Michael, my Reiki Masters in Sedona, discuss Reiki as it is taught and practiced by the ICRT: /

Level 2 - $175

The level 2 class takes the Reiki to a higher energy by adding the first three Reiki symbols to your practice.  Reiki 1 is like turning on the radio, Reiki 2 is like tuning it to different stations by using the symbols.


The first symbol, the power symbol, increases the Reiki energy and focuses it to a specific location. The second symbol brings in balance and is good for, among other things, breaking addictions and creating new habits. The thrid symbol is the distance symbol. As Reiki's Divine love knows no boundaries, including time and space, it is possible to send Reiki to your past and future self, and to loved ones who are far away.  


"The class material is helpful for professionals such as nurses, massage therapists, physicians, or “regular people” who wish to use Reiki for spiritual growth, or to help family, friends and for the student’s self-healing." - As I was taught by my Reiki Master Teachers in Sedona, AZ at

Reiki Master Practitioner / Advanced Reiki Training (ART) - $295

The Advanced Reiki Training (ART) class raises your vibration to that of Reiki Master Practitioner.  In this class you are attuned to the Usui Reiki Master symbol. This symbol increases the effectiveness of the Reiki II symbols and can be used for healing.  


Also included in ICRT Advanced Reiki Training classes is the use of crystals and stones with Reiki.  We discuss and practice how to make a Reiki grid that will continue to send Reiki to yourself and others after it is charged.  


Finally we learn and practice a very powerful technique for aura clearing that allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself and others and send it to the light.


Reiki Practitioners must have practiced at level 2 for at least six months before taking ART.  ART is a prerequisite to Reiki Master Teacher training.

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